we made national day celebrations feel local
Official 51st UAE National Day – National Projects Office
Design a ceremony celebrating the UAE’s heritage, achievements, culture and aspirations
For the UAE’s 51st National Day – in honour of the country’s founding in 1971 – we were asked to create a one-day VIP showcase, followed by nine days of public performances, to celebrate this important annual event.

Bringing local values, heritage and people into focus
We highlighted the values of the UAE by placing its culture, people and heritage front and centre, while also looking towards a bright future for the country.
The event was held at one of nation’s most significant venues, the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, and our designs made the most of this important building
Locally Made
More than 90% of the props used in the ceremony were designed and made in the UAE, with local artisans showcasing their skills on everything from puppets to scenery. The items were donated to local charities after the event
Moving Forward
The ceremony stage was designed as a time tunnel, with the performers arriving from the past at one end, then departing into the future at the other. The show took the audience on a visual timeline of the UAE, from the country’s founding to its latest innovations in energy, farming, transport and space exploration.
Cultural Immersion
Parades, puppetry, music and films made the guests feel immersed in the uniqueness of the UAE throughout the ceremony. Young local performers led the way in highlighting the country’s hopes for the future.

All props were donated to UAE schools to help educate schoolchildren about marine conservation and sustainability.
98% of props were sourced and made in the UAE
10,000 mangrove trees have been planted since the ceremony